sunset on Ohio River in southern Ohio

Become a Member or Partner and Help Beautify Your Local Environment TODAY!

If you are interested in recycling, litter prevention, and improving your local environment, become a member of Keep Ohio Beautiful and join the movement.

What It Means to Be a Member or Partner of Keep Ohio Beautiful

It's easy to get the incredible satisfaction of knowing you have directly contributed to an effort to improve your local community and environment by becoming a member of Keep Ohio Beautiful.

Whether your support is given through a personal or business contribution, you can be part of a nationwide environmental non-profit organization that's making a difference.

Keep Ohio Beautiful is an affiliate of the nationwide environmental improvement organization, Keep America Beautiful. By becoming a member or partner of Keep Ohio Beautiful, you will be part of a growing number of Americans who care about their local environment and want to make our country a wonderful place to live.

We provide members and local communities with environmental education tools, training opportunities, and program materials. Our affiliates also receive administrative assistance so they can mobilize volunteers in their community to create clean and beautiful neighborhoods and public areas.

Who Can Be a Member or Partner?

The short answer is anyone can become a member of Keep Ohio Beautiful! Whether you’re an individual who cares for your community, a community group, a business, or a corporation, we welcome and value your support.


Get in Touch

Become a member by mailing your contribution to Keep Ohio Beautiful, P.O. Box, 13135, Fairlawn, OH 44334. You will receive confirmation of your membership along with a special token of our appreciation in the mail.


Donate via PayPal

You can also send your contribution online with a quick and easy donation through PayPal.
Give through your Donor-Advised Fund.



You can contribute with your time and get out and be active with fellow members by volunteering at our many events and clean-ups.

Three Ways to Partner

company volunteering to clean up

Corporate Partnerships

We work with partners to create engaging programs around litter reduction, recycling, and beautification to help meet your sustainability goals and increase our impact. These fulfilling experiences motivate participating volunteers and communities while providing recognition for your contribution.

group of people planting a tree

Cause Marketing

Recent research has shown that 70% of consumers want to know how brands are addressing social and environmental issues. Work with Keep Ohio Beautiful to develop a cause marketing campaign that promotes your product or service to help fund positive change in communities across Ohio.

employees cleaning up trash in the streets

Employee Engagement

Join the growing ranks of companies who set aside time each year for local service. Keep Ohio Beautiful partners with corporations to develop, manage, and execute top-notch volunteer programs. We customize volunteering needs to fit into your organization’s vision. Let us help your company build your brand for both your internal and external customers.

Keep Ohio Beautiful Partnership levels

Keep Ohio Beautiful offers a number of ways to show your support for as little as $25. Explore the options listed below, choose a level that works best for you, and join us today!

Individual Members

Make a commitment towards environmentally responsibility. As a member of Keep Ohio Beautiful, you will join other Ohioans that support the many statewide and local projects aimed at improving and beautifying our state and communities.
Give through your Donor-Advised Fund.

Student Member
Business Members

Becoming a Keep Ohio Beautiful member sends a message that your company cares. As a business member of Keep Ohio Beautiful, you will join other Ohioans and businesses that support the many statewide and local projects aimed at improving and beautifying our state and communities.

Corporate Steward

Keep Ohio Beautiful Partnership Benefits

None of our work to improve local communities and their surroundings would be possible without our valued volunteers, members, and partners. Whether you have time to spare and want to join our regular clean-ups and events, or you can help through monetary donations, we will welcome you with open arms.

Becoming part of the Keep Ohio Beautiful movement provides a wide range of benefits:
Exclusive volunteering opportunities
Access to beautification events and organized clean-ups
Community among fellow Ohioans in the statewide effort to beautify the state and communities
Public declaration that you, your business, or your government unit care about the environment
A token of our appreciation in the mail
Satisfaction knowing you are helping local flora and fauna thrive
Advocacy for the environment, and ability set a great example for others
So if you're looking to give something back to your community, or you just want to help improve your natural environment, become a member today, and let's create a better world together.

Our Partners

Show Your Support and Partner with Keep Ohio Beautiful Today!

It's easier to help improve your local community and environment than you may think. Let’s work together to Keep Ohio Beautiful.