Initiatives & Involvement Opportunities
The Keep Ohio Beautiful program is dedicated to improving and preserving the natural beauty of our state. Through education, volunteerism, and community partnerships, Keep Ohio Beautiful works to reduce littering, eliminate illegal dumping, promote recycling, and beautify communities across the state.

End Littering
More than 40% of Ohio residents polled admitted to littering in the past month. Littering has many negative effects on local wildlife and ecosystems. Our mission is to help end it. Keep Ohio Beautiful provides guidance to individuals, businesses, schools, and other organizations on how to reduce their littering footprint in the state. We also have group cleanups that educate while taking positive action!
Our consistent efforts to end littering have produced noticeable changes across the state. We are excited to continue developing and implementing our programs.
Keep Ohio Beautiful offers a variety of resources to help people understand the impact of littering and how they can join the fight against it. We provide informational brochures, posters, interactive activities and games, lesson plans, grant programs, and more that teach about the importance of reducing waste and preventing littering.
We are also proud to partner with organizations around the state to provide litter cleanup kits. We provide volunteer training and assistance, along with many other tools to help make a difference.

Improve Recycling
We work with businesses and individuals to take environmentally friendly action, including improving, reducing, reusing, and recycling. Recycling is essential for reducing our impact on the environment and preserving resources. It's also key to helping eliminate littering. Keep Ohio Beautiful works to educate people about proper recycling practices. We also expand access to recycling opportunities in communities across the state. We encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices.
Our initiatives promote efficient waste management by encouraging reuse, reduction, and diversion from landfills. We help residents learn how to properly sort their trash so that a portion of it can be recycled or repurposed. We also work alongside local governments to create more accessible options such as drop-off centers and curbside pickup programs.

Beautify Communities
Keep Ohio Beautiful’s main focus is beautifying the state - one community at a time! Our initiatives involve planting trees, creating community gardens, cleaning up litter and graffiti, restoring historic monuments, and more. We work to provide resources that help communities improve the quality of life in their areas.
This includes providing educational materials on proper care for plants, maintaining clean streets and public spaces, encouraging sustainable practices such as composting and water conservation, hosting events that bring people together to take positive action, and much more. We encourage our volunteers to take the initiative in community beautification projects that cater to the needs of their neighborhoods.
Get Involved
There are many ways to be a part of Keep Ohio Beautiful. Follow our social media pages to stay updated on upcoming events. There are also volunteer opportunities for those who want to take action and make a difference. Join us in working towards a cleaner, greener Ohio! Together we can make a positive impact on our environment and create healthy, vibrant communities. You can also donate today to help preserve the beauty of Ohio!